Friday, September 29, 2006

Joanna, big tree...Fresh produce rules!..."Shh! you are in a library!"...Elvis Event of the Week...Next time, on Lost in K-Falls

Them trees is big! On our road trip to the ocean, we stopped by the Redwoods National Forest. We did not hike as much as we wanted, Elvis was with us, and he is not welcome on most trails in the 'woods. We loved the forest. A lot like SE AK, only bigger trees. Steve is not doing what you think he is doing in the picture. He is looking in the hollow of the tree, that's all.
Klamath Falls has a Saturday Farmer's Market. It is a great thing. We have been enjoying fresh, hand-picked strawberries, fresh garlic, fresh tomatoes (everyone loves fresh tomatoes!), etc...and Elvis is welcome. Steve stops by every Saturday and buys some tomatoes and corn. You know what's better than fresh, cob sweet corn? Nothing! Okay, maybe Little League baseball, but not much else, I tell you what!
Steve has a job at the public library. He works in Circulation. Don't ask him to help your find a book, that is theInformation/Reference desk, to your left. It is a fun job. He meets many people and enjoys working with the staff. And he doesn't have to pay his late fees (not that he has any!). If you see Judith or Charlotte, tell them KCL uses the POLARIS system. They will know what you mean.
Elvis event of the Week: Little dog has been leading a dog's life. Sleeping, peeing, eating, more sleeping, chasing a ball, playing tug-0-war with his rope. Sleeping. Not a heck of a lot. Check back later for more Elvis excitment.
Upcoming blog topics: Joanna goes back east! Steve and Elvis Roadtrip to the Wynochee! Democrats take back the House and Senate! Stay tuned!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So glad for an update! Wanted to invite you to the Ribbon Cutting Ceremony for the Lunch Creek addition to Settlers Cove State Park. It is happening next Saturday. I will be calling Kyle to see if he will attend and say a few words. Don't forget to log on to the KDN website and vote on the poll for Tony (Bob wanted me to say that)! Enjoying any freshly picked onions? Top T
P.S. Big T says hi to Elvis. He and No T are hiking Rainbird this morning. Wish you were here.