Tuesday, September 12, 2006

The blog is back...adventures in Lava Beds...Joyce pudo coiciner...Andrea overseas...Elvis Event of the month

We are back and blogging! After waiting weeks for human help from blogger.com (which did not come!), we set up our second blogsite. We will do our best to get you caught up. If you stumbled on to the site by accident, are new to our blog or want to check out our earlier escapades, please check out http://lostink-falls.blogspot.com.
We are well. Elvis is fine. Joanna is wonderful. Steve is obsessed with raking leaves.
When we left off, J-Mark's parents had just left. The photo on the left is of Clark climbing out of one of the caves at Lava Beds. The other pic is of Clark examining a bump on Joanna's little head. While spelunking, Joanna did not see a cave icicle, and banged her noggin. She is fine.
While here, Joyce made many wonderful meals. Our favorite was enchiladas with verde sauce. Tasty and very much of Mexico. We have ice-verde cubes, so if you want a taste of great mexican food stop on by!
In other Markell news, Andrea Markell spent part of the summer in China! Teaching english to as many as 250 students at one time! We have matching wrist-watches of Chairman Mao to show for her visit. Thanks, Andrea! Currently, the youngest Markell is in Germany, spending her junior year of college. With any luck, Joanna will visit her this spring.
Elvis Event of the month; Little dog is working on his tent sleeping skills. Come back Clark, Elvis wants to go camping!

Don't fall down!

1 comment:

Craig L. said...

You kids is cute