Friday, September 29, 2006

Joanna, big tree...Fresh produce rules!..."Shh! you are in a library!"...Elvis Event of the Week...Next time, on Lost in K-Falls

Them trees is big! On our road trip to the ocean, we stopped by the Redwoods National Forest. We did not hike as much as we wanted, Elvis was with us, and he is not welcome on most trails in the 'woods. We loved the forest. A lot like SE AK, only bigger trees. Steve is not doing what you think he is doing in the picture. He is looking in the hollow of the tree, that's all.
Klamath Falls has a Saturday Farmer's Market. It is a great thing. We have been enjoying fresh, hand-picked strawberries, fresh garlic, fresh tomatoes (everyone loves fresh tomatoes!), etc...and Elvis is welcome. Steve stops by every Saturday and buys some tomatoes and corn. You know what's better than fresh, cob sweet corn? Nothing! Okay, maybe Little League baseball, but not much else, I tell you what!
Steve has a job at the public library. He works in Circulation. Don't ask him to help your find a book, that is theInformation/Reference desk, to your left. It is a fun job. He meets many people and enjoys working with the staff. And he doesn't have to pay his late fees (not that he has any!). If you see Judith or Charlotte, tell them KCL uses the POLARIS system. They will know what you mean.
Elvis event of the Week: Little dog has been leading a dog's life. Sleeping, peeing, eating, more sleeping, chasing a ball, playing tug-0-war with his rope. Sleeping. Not a heck of a lot. Check back later for more Elvis excitment.
Upcoming blog topics: Joanna goes back east! Steve and Elvis Roadtrip to the Wynochee! Democrats take back the House and Senate! Stay tuned!

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

County Fairs are fun...Kyle Jo, State Representative...Satan's traffic circle...missing K-Town (Ketchikan that is)

There's nothing better than a fair! Livestock, parades of young 4-Hers, and yes, deep fried pickles. We did not try the pickles, but we did have pie, lemonade and BBQ. We saw fainting goats and (nonfainting) guinea pigs. Steve, who is allergic, kept his distance from the guinea pigs.
Kyle won! Ketchikan has a young, capable, results-oriented leader in the legislature. Ketchikan, when you see Kyle, congratulate him and ask him to support funding of public broadcasting. We all love KRBD (don't forget, the fall friendraiser is coming up!)!
We piled into the Jeep and headed for the California shore. Crescent City called our name, and we went. Joanna and Elvis had not seen the Pacific ocean since leaving Ketchikan. It was a nice road trip. Except for going through Medford to get to I-5. Hell is Medford traffic. It is at least a circle of hell, and if you do not know your exit, it literally becomes a circle of hell. We were in that particular circle for five to ten minutes.
Joanna and Elvis frolicked (Steve, contrary to what you may have heard, does not frolic) on the beach at Crescent City. It was nice to smell the ocean air again. Say what you will, but low tide is a wonderful aroma when you have not been near a ocean shore in over six months. We had a great time, and found Crescent City to be a lot like Ketchikan, only uglier. The ocean, fishing boats, lots of tourist (RVs all over), sea gulls and opportunities to buy cheap curios. We miss Ketchikan.
We also found cheap booze. We had an opportunity to buy a high end Gin at $8.99 a bottle. If we bought a case. We passed on the deal, and instead purchased one bottle of bourbon, a bottle of Bailey's and two bottles of Gin at $9.99! Yes, bargining for booze is okay in Cali.
We hope to catch up on all things Lost in K-Falls in the next week or so, so stay tuned.
Don't fall down and tell the NSA to stay out of your e-mail/phones/bedrooms!

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

The blog is back...adventures in Lava Beds...Joyce pudo coiciner...Andrea overseas...Elvis Event of the month

We are back and blogging! After waiting weeks for human help from (which did not come!), we set up our second blogsite. We will do our best to get you caught up. If you stumbled on to the site by accident, are new to our blog or want to check out our earlier escapades, please check out
We are well. Elvis is fine. Joanna is wonderful. Steve is obsessed with raking leaves.
When we left off, J-Mark's parents had just left. The photo on the left is of Clark climbing out of one of the caves at Lava Beds. The other pic is of Clark examining a bump on Joanna's little head. While spelunking, Joanna did not see a cave icicle, and banged her noggin. She is fine.
While here, Joyce made many wonderful meals. Our favorite was enchiladas with verde sauce. Tasty and very much of Mexico. We have ice-verde cubes, so if you want a taste of great mexican food stop on by!
In other Markell news, Andrea Markell spent part of the summer in China! Teaching english to as many as 250 students at one time! We have matching wrist-watches of Chairman Mao to show for her visit. Thanks, Andrea! Currently, the youngest Markell is in Germany, spending her junior year of college. With any luck, Joanna will visit her this spring.
Elvis Event of the month; Little dog is working on his tent sleeping skills. Come back Clark, Elvis wants to go camping!

Don't fall down!